
we provide greek fish to the world


We have been strategically positioned in the Greek market since 1955. This allows us to steadily supply, process and export fish from Greek seas to the international markets.

from greek boats

Our strength comes from the network of Greek boats, with which we have a long standing relationship. This ensures that top quality and hard to find fish, like Mediterranean tuna and langoustines are always available, fresh and ready to be exported.

to the world

Fish are delivered to the airport by our privately owned fleet and air-freighted to your destination. This ensures fast and reliable delivery of freshly caught fish, from Greece to anywhere in the world, within the same or next day.


Throughout the years we have formed long standing relationships with a variety of high profile clients. These include restaurants, hotels and food and beverage distributors.

long standing relationships

Our reputable clients are a testimony to the quality of our fish and services and they include names such as: Nammos restaurant (Mykonos, Dubai), Myconian Imperial Hotel, Kalhua beach, Athinaikon, Mpómpena, Ithaki (Stathokostopoulos group), sushi square, koi sushi bar, Nobu santorini, Ginger sushi santorini, Mandala beach Katerini, Sushi mou.

built on trust

Immediate response to orders and fast delivery are at the core of our strengths. In addition to that we provide services to cater to our customers’ needs such as filleting. Availability of hard to catch fish, like langoustines and mollusks is what we shine on. These have earned the trust of our customers and have formed the foundation of our partnerships.


HORECA is the leading exhibition for the provisioning and equipment of the hospitality and foodservice industries in Greece. It is held yearly and hosts tourism professionals and the hospitality and foodservice industry’s supply chain.

As a key player in the fish trade and in combination with our high availability of fish we are in the position to supply the businesses that participate in HORECA with either fresh or frozen fish.


The starting point of our company is the Central Municipal Market of Athens, the hub of the city’s food industry since the 19th century. Today, we are still present as a retailer at the same place we started in 1955.

experience & knowledge

We are experts in fish and only provide top quality wild fish. This has earned the trust of our retail customers, which range from home cooks to chefs. The availability we are renowned for also applies to retail, and one can always find mediterranean tuna, swordfish, mollusks and langoustines on our display counters.

at the athenian’s food industry heart

Our position has allowed us to share our knowledge and love of fish with different generations of Athenians. Our long standing presence made us the fishmonger that older generations have trusted throughout the years. Our experience has allowed us to pass down our expertise on fish to new generations of home cooks, chefs in training and everyone interested in traditional and international culinary art.

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